The Fiber Rule
The quick answer: Over the last century, dietary sugar consumption rose as fiber intake declined. To reduce your risk of overweight and disease, eat more natural fiber than sugar.
The Wake-up Call
Here's a common story, recently heard: A guy, just-retired, is shocked when told by his doctor that has type 2 diabetes. He knows the things that go with this: neuropathy, toe and foot amputation, risk of blindness, higher risk of heart disease, etc. In this case a good thing happened: The person went on a crusade to learn how to eat, exercise, and reclaim his heaqlth. A wise person could avoid all this by following the fiber>sugar rule (plus getting regular exercise).
20th Century Diet Disaster
The 20th Century was a dietary disaster—we’ve said it before, but repetition is a principle of learning. The industrialization of our food is presented in the graph above that compares traditional diets (Developing Countries) to the modern Western diet. Take time to study this chart—for the thoughtful person, there is much food wisdom herein.
The diet of the Western countries makes a good business—not just for the food processors that comprise Food Inc. but also for the medical establishment that treats the resulting chronic diseases. A premise of this blog is that as we eat and live better, we will have less need of doctors, drugs, and hospitals. We’ll still die, and perhaps from those same chronic diseases, but we’ll have more years of good health to enjoy, and less years of bad health to endure. (A younger person diagnosed with cancer, for example, will linger longer than an older less vigorous person with the same disease. My Father died of cancer in his 90th year, but it was just a week from diagnosis to his passing.)
Two metrics define the 20th Century damage to our dietary: the year-by-year rise of sugar consumption, and the corresponding decline in fiber intake. Healthy Change #4 established the rule that food products must be made of whole grains and contain more natural fiber than sugar. Prior posts addressed sugar; this post is about fiber.
Fiber—The original weight-loss marvel
Fiber is essentially the structural material of plant cells. Whether soluble or insoluble (it doesn’t matter which, we need both), fiber is the original weight loss marvel: it provides lasting fullness yet has zero calories. In addition, fiber optimizes the rate of digestion, slowing the rate that starch enters the blood as glucose (thus softening the swings in blood sugar and insulin that cause type 2 diabetes and fat storage) while speeding the passage of food through the G.I. tract (which reduces the risk of colon cancer).
Dr. Denis Burkitt
In the course of the year we highlight twelve heroes of better nutrition, including Dr. Denis Burkitt. Dr. Burkitt served in Africa as a missionary surgeon and his keen study of disease patterns led to the ‘80s bestseller, Don’t Forget Fibre in Your Diet. (No fiber isn’t misspelled; Burkitt was English.) The informative graph displayed above is from his book. Burkitt single-handedly brought the removal of fiber by the industrialization of food to the public consciousness. From his research—he painstakingly established a large network among hospitals to monitor the incidence of diseases—Burkitt linked the disappearance of dietary fiber with modern diseases like constipation (the first sign of fiber deficiency), type 2 diabetes, heart disease, gallstones, and breast and colon cancers.
Fiber deficiency diseases:
Over the last century fiber was steadily removed from our diet by the rise of processed foods, and the chronic diseases noted above. Another result—I’ll try to be delicate here—was increased constipation. (Fiber deficiency isn’t the only cause; other factors include too little exercise or fluid intake, or a diet high in dairy products.) Most people don’t realize the danger of constipation-caused straining during bowel movements:
- Straining causes hiatal hernias, a condition where the upper portion of the stomach is forced into the chest cavity, which causes the leakage of stomach acid and heartburn. Rather than diet reform, people take antacids (Alka-Seltzer, Milk of Magnesia, Pepto-Bismol); more recently drugs to reduce acid production (Pepcid, Tagamet, Zantac) have been heavily advertised.
- Straining can force partially digested food into the appendix where it can lodge, become infected, and lead to appendicitis. Appendicitis is the most common emergency surgery of the stomach.
- Straining can cause bulges or aneurysms in the large colon and the serious disease of diverticulitis.
- Finally, straining is associated with the painful problem of hemorrhoids, which require no explanation.
Foods rich in fiber:
The humble legume—whether pea, lentil, or bean—provides more fiber than any other food. See here for the legumes highest in fiber.
Besides legumes, foods rich in fiber include (for details go here):
- Whole grains (a 2011 study showed whole grains to be significantly protective of death from all causes),
- Nuts and seeds,
- Fruits, especially berries,
- Vegetables, particularly root vegetables such as yams.
Healthy Change #27: Only pruchase foods that contain more fiber than sugar. Of course this means you'll buy very little of what is in the supermarket, but there are plenty of healthy choices in the produce section.
Please comment: If you follow the fiber>sugar rule you'll find little in the center of the supermarket to eat. But the produce section is overflowing with Nature's healthy bounty. Please share your experience.
Reader Comments (6)
Thanks, Skip!
I've been confused about fiber ever since I heard about the book Fiber Menace. Have you heard of it? He basically says that fiber is bad and actually addictive to your body and causes bowel problems. I swear, there is so much conflicting information out there! I would love to hear your thoughts on the book.
I do think you can overdo it with fiber and other healthy things. I used to think there wasn't any such thing as too many vegetables in your diet, but my friend went crazy with green smoothies (like a quart a day for a couple of years) and has had major issues with huge kidney stones. I'm wondering if by consuming way more greens than she would be able to eat in a day thanks to her high-powered blender, she created problems. I've heard the oxalic acid in uncooked greens can cause problems because they crystallize in the kidneys. What do you think?
This is so interesting. I struggled for many, many years with digestive troubles, and now having been diagnosed with Celiac, it's hard to get enough fiber in each day. Along with eating as healthy as possible, I take a large dose of fiber supplement. I know it's ideal to get it from food, but it tends to be more difficult when eating gluten-free. Supplementation has made such a huge difference in my life; no more medicine each day! I certainly need to lower my sugar intake; that's a tough vice for me to break... Still working on that one!
And to the commenter above, I just think "everything in moderation"! Too much of anything is no good. But I hardly think that fiber could be considered bad; that book sounds more gimmicky than anything. ;)
I love your blog......
Skip, I just discovered your blog and I love it. I would like to organize a group of RS sisters in my ward to start making your healthy changes together. I haven't been able to find anywhere on your site that you have all 52 changes organized together in order, though. Am I just missing it? Can you help direct me? Thanks for all of the hard work you have put into this!
Great information . I think it is a concerning thing that we are not getting 30-40 grams of fiber , as per research says. Your post will help me in setting my diet plan.